An Ever Better Way to Get Referrals

Helping the UR community support one another by making it easier to get referrals and know who is willing to give referrals.


I think I have been in a position where having even a little bit of help would've helped me a lot and would've meant the world. And now, since I am in a position that can provide said help, I understand how valuable it can be for someone wanting that, even though it may not be a big thing for me. So personal experience I guess is the main motivator, and also wanting to be there for people who can benefit from this.

Rahul Gupta

Software Engineer at Atlassian

Our Team

UR Alumni and current students are a part of the team bringing both kinds of perspectives to the project.

Our Mission

We recognize that the UR community wants to be able to help one another, through this project we aim to make it very easy for alumni to help other members of the UR community through referrals. We also recognize that referrals are the fastest way to get an interview, thus there is a disproportionate impact that alumni can have on a student's trajectory.

  • Alinazar Boynazarov

    Product Manager

    Ali '24 is a product enthusiast, majoring in Marketing and minoring in Computer Science. His favorite music genre is Tajikistani folk music.

  • Nina Long

    Full Stack Engineer

    Nina is a Data Science major with a minor in Brain and Cognitive Science. Her interests include AI Safety, hiking and fluffy cats.

  • Daniel Munoz

    Full Stack Engineer

    Daniel is from the Class of 2021 and graduated from UR in 2022 with a degree in Computer Science after doing the E5 program.

  • Aleksa Gavric

    Full Stack Engineer

    Aleksa is a SWE/ML Engineer with a passion for building.

  • Samuel Henderson

    Full Stack Engineer

    Samuel is a computer science student at the University of Rochester. He enjoys playing chess, reading and cricket.